
Day 28 - February 16/09

Judges 6

Again, the Israelites are sinning and God has brought an oppressor upon them: the Midianites. In response to their cries, God first sends an unnamed prophet to speak words of judgment, and then an angel to the house of Gideon. "The Lord is with you" (6:12) is the angel's greeting, and Gideon immediately goes into a complaint typical of people today: if God is with us, why are all these bad things happening; why don't we see miracles like in Moses' day (this is less than a few hundred years later); and, how can I do anything when I am so weak? So Gideon asks for a sign that it's really God, and so God burns up His offering before his eyes. In response, Gideon, on God's commands, destroys the alter of Baal and the Asherah pole. The men want to kill him, but his father convinces them that Baal can seek his own revenge. So God sends Gideon to lead His army, and Gideon again asks for two signs with the fleece on the ground. Every time God comes through.

The Lord was with Gideon. The first words he ever hears from God, and he doubts. Gideon is following God's orders, but under cover of dark or only after many signs and wonders. He doubts when he should be confident in the God who has said He is with him. Gideons' faith is fickle and waivering, but God still uses him.

Somehow, God still uses me. How and why and for what purpose? Who knows. But just as He used Gideon despite his flaws, God can still take my life and make something beautiful come from the wreckage.

God, help me to hear you and trust you without the miracle wonders. Where I have lack of faith, give me more than I could ever dream of. Help me to trust in you, even when it seems impossible.

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