
Day 25 - February 13/09

Judges 5

This chapter is a song sung by Deborah and Barak after their victory. They talk about the entire battle and all that happened. At the very end, it switches back to narrative and we are informed that "the land had peace for forty years" (5:31b).

This song is a tribute to all God has done. Once again, everything foretold has happened and God has come through for His people. He never fails them! They become upset with Him and cry out for help when they're in trouble, but EVERY TIME it's in response to their turning from Him. At the end of this ordeal, only again they see His power and turn back to Him, with forty years of resulting peace. My guess is that the next chapter will reveal why it was only forty years.

I'm always so grateful when God releases me from bondage, but then I forget what He has done. It doesn't take me a full lifetime to turn from Him again. I look at the three steps from yesterday, and see them again in my own life. I need to work on breaking the cycle and allowing my life to be holy before Him.

God, please help me break this cycle. Kill this thing inside me that lets me continue to go on sinning, even when I see your great mercy and redemptive powers. I should be so thankful that I never turn from You again! Help me. I cannot do this on my own.

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