
Day 42 - March 25/09

Ruth 1

"Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God" (1:16b).

Ruth came from Moab, had other families and other gods. Once her husband died, she had no reason to stay with Naomi, but something compelled her to. She forsook it all to be with Naomi, and she chose to honour God.

What am I willing to give up? Would I forsake it ALL for God? Not just the easy stuff, but the really hard stuff too. It's an interesting question, and it's been making me wonder.

God, help me to realize that all these things in life are not my own. Even my relationships and my own life aren't mine, so why would I ever hold them back from you? Please help me to grasp exactly how much you bought when you paid for me on the cross.

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