
Day 34 - March 6/09

Judges 12

Civil war breaks out in Israel, between those from Gilead and those from Ephraim. Ephraim is completely annihilated, and Gilead goes on its way. At this point, instead of having gaps between when the judges die and a new one takes over (which always left room for sin and turning from God), there were no gaps and a new judge was constantly ruling.

God was providing judges constantly so the people would always have someone to keep them accountable. He probably got tired of them turning away over and over again, only to have a judge rescue them out of darkness. This way, He kept them in the light.

God is constantly giving me challenges that are keeping me on my toes. Wave upon wave of highs and lows are causing me to constantly call on Him and give everything up to Him. I think He may be doing the same kind of thing: taking preventative action.

God, help me to always be calling on You and trusting in You, whether times are tough or easy, slow going or fast paced. Continue to shape me, through perseverance, into the woman after Your own heart that You have called me to be. Thank you for being with me today, it was HUGELY appreciated.

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