Ruth 2
For no apparent reason, Boaz, a wealthy relative, takes notice of Ruth. When he realizes who she is, she is given more than what she deserves and is protected from danger.
Normally for young women it would have been very dangerous to do what she was doing, in following the plowers to pick up the gleanings. The men who did the plowing often "harmed" those young women if they weren't servants in the owner's household. Ruth was done a very great kindness by being allowed what she was, especially as a foreigner.
I don't think I often enough notice the people who are off to the side, in the background. And even if I do, I am not quick enough to help them and be kind. I want that to change.
God, open my eyes to the hurting people around me and give me grace for them even when I don't think they deserve it. Show me how to love the way that You have loved me.
Day 42 - March 25/09
Ruth 1
"Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God" (1:16b).
Ruth came from Moab, had other families and other gods. Once her husband died, she had no reason to stay with Naomi, but something compelled her to. She forsook it all to be with Naomi, and she chose to honour God.
What am I willing to give up? Would I forsake it ALL for God? Not just the easy stuff, but the really hard stuff too. It's an interesting question, and it's been making me wonder.
God, help me to realize that all these things in life are not my own. Even my relationships and my own life aren't mine, so why would I ever hold them back from you? Please help me to grasp exactly how much you bought when you paid for me on the cross.
"Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God" (1:16b).
Ruth came from Moab, had other families and other gods. Once her husband died, she had no reason to stay with Naomi, but something compelled her to. She forsook it all to be with Naomi, and she chose to honour God.
What am I willing to give up? Would I forsake it ALL for God? Not just the easy stuff, but the really hard stuff too. It's an interesting question, and it's been making me wonder.
God, help me to realize that all these things in life are not my own. Even my relationships and my own life aren't mine, so why would I ever hold them back from you? Please help me to grasp exactly how much you bought when you paid for me on the cross.
Day 41 - March 22/09
This has actually taken the last few days while I was gone on retreat. What I love so much about John is the eloquent way he presents everything about Jesus. He does not seem rushed to fill every page of every book about everything Jesus ever did, but rather to put out the knowledge that there is a Saviour and He has come.
Every time I read John, I am once again astounded by its difference from the rest of the Gospels. Rather than facts or events or specifics, he is concerned with recording Jesus' words, because to him they seemed to be the most important.
I fall short of how God wants me to live every day. I read the story of Jesus, how amazing He was, and I am blown away...yet I can't seem to turn that into more positive life change. I think I'm in a rut that only He can pull me out of.
God, I want to draw closer to you. I don't know how to pin down what it is that's holding me back, or how to let go of those things, but I know that You're the only answer. Help me to take these words and take them to heart. I don't want to lose them in the mess of everything else.
This has actually taken the last few days while I was gone on retreat. What I love so much about John is the eloquent way he presents everything about Jesus. He does not seem rushed to fill every page of every book about everything Jesus ever did, but rather to put out the knowledge that there is a Saviour and He has come.
Every time I read John, I am once again astounded by its difference from the rest of the Gospels. Rather than facts or events or specifics, he is concerned with recording Jesus' words, because to him they seemed to be the most important.
I fall short of how God wants me to live every day. I read the story of Jesus, how amazing He was, and I am blown away...yet I can't seem to turn that into more positive life change. I think I'm in a rut that only He can pull me out of.
God, I want to draw closer to you. I don't know how to pin down what it is that's holding me back, or how to let go of those things, but I know that You're the only answer. Help me to take these words and take them to heart. I don't want to lose them in the mess of everything else.
Day 40 - March 18/09
Judges 21
More things happen to end off judges, such as the stealing of virgin girls from other cities for the Benjamites, and the book ends with the same verse: "In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as he saw fit" (21:25).
There was no leader/mentor/guide to bring the people into a place of rightness with God. They did whatever they wanted because they did not feel accountable to God. Samson was the last of the judges, and even he did not do right in the sight of God.
Sometimes I wonder if I need a mentor or someone over me to keep me accountable to God, or if I just need to be reading the Bible more often and praying. I'm going to start reading The Divine Mentor soon, and I hope that will shed some light on this issue for me.
God, I've given certain things into Your hands, and I'm trusting You with them. Please keep them safe.
More things happen to end off judges, such as the stealing of virgin girls from other cities for the Benjamites, and the book ends with the same verse: "In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as he saw fit" (21:25).
There was no leader/mentor/guide to bring the people into a place of rightness with God. They did whatever they wanted because they did not feel accountable to God. Samson was the last of the judges, and even he did not do right in the sight of God.
Sometimes I wonder if I need a mentor or someone over me to keep me accountable to God, or if I just need to be reading the Bible more often and praying. I'm going to start reading The Divine Mentor soon, and I hope that will shed some light on this issue for me.
God, I've given certain things into Your hands, and I'm trusting You with them. Please keep them safe.
Day 39 - March 16/09
Judges 20
Civil war is once again upon Israel. Because of the act from the previous chapter against the Levite's concubine, all of Israel came out to fight against Benjamin. The first two days of battle, it appeared as though God would not carry them through. On the third day, though, God delivered Benjamin into their hands for victory.
Even after the first and second days of slaughter, Israel continued to trust that God would have their back. They had faith without seeing.
I used to think I had a lot of faith, and at the time I probably did, but now it feels as though I don't know what to trust anymore. I know it should be God, but I still feel like I don't hear Him clearly. It's so confusing.
God, I'm trying to walk in Your ways, but I could use some serious guidance. I don't want to mess everything up.
Civil war is once again upon Israel. Because of the act from the previous chapter against the Levite's concubine, all of Israel came out to fight against Benjamin. The first two days of battle, it appeared as though God would not carry them through. On the third day, though, God delivered Benjamin into their hands for victory.
Even after the first and second days of slaughter, Israel continued to trust that God would have their back. They had faith without seeing.
I used to think I had a lot of faith, and at the time I probably did, but now it feels as though I don't know what to trust anymore. I know it should be God, but I still feel like I don't hear Him clearly. It's so confusing.
God, I'm trying to walk in Your ways, but I could use some serious guidance. I don't want to mess everything up.
Day 38 - March 13/09
Judges 19
A Levite is staying in Gibeah when the house he is staying at is surrounded by the men of the city who demand to have sex with him. Instead, his concubine is tossed out and they rape her and she dies. In retaliation, he sends a piece of her body to each of the tribes of Israel.
This is only the precursor of the full story, but it just amazes me how such little value was put on the concubine. Although she was only a concubine, her life was considered forfeit.
How do I apply this to me? My life is supposed to be forfeit to God, dying to myself daily. I don't want to be literal with the story, but shouldn't I consider my life as nothing if it means serving Him? I don't know, that's the best I got.
God, show me Your purposes and plans. Help me to daily die to myself and live fully for you. And help me to prioritize in these stressful times.
A Levite is staying in Gibeah when the house he is staying at is surrounded by the men of the city who demand to have sex with him. Instead, his concubine is tossed out and they rape her and she dies. In retaliation, he sends a piece of her body to each of the tribes of Israel.
This is only the precursor of the full story, but it just amazes me how such little value was put on the concubine. Although she was only a concubine, her life was considered forfeit.
How do I apply this to me? My life is supposed to be forfeit to God, dying to myself daily. I don't want to be literal with the story, but shouldn't I consider my life as nothing if it means serving Him? I don't know, that's the best I got.
God, show me Your purposes and plans. Help me to daily die to myself and live fully for you. And help me to prioritize in these stressful times.
Day 37 - March 11/09
Judges 17, 18
There is no judge or king over Israel, and the people do as they wish. This seems to be a growing theme. Micah builds a shrine with a silver idol and other worshipful things and hires a Levite to be his priest. An army from the tribe of Dan passes through, steals the idols and the priest, and take over some nearby land.
The Israelites at this point are greedy and completely not God-centered. They've probably heard oral stories of what He's done, but they don't live for Him. They worship anything they can get their hands on.
Sometimes I fall victim to paying more attention to certain things than to God. I don't want to continue making that mistake.
God, please help me to focus on you and to always have you at the center of everything I do. Thank you.
There is no judge or king over Israel, and the people do as they wish. This seems to be a growing theme. Micah builds a shrine with a silver idol and other worshipful things and hires a Levite to be his priest. An army from the tribe of Dan passes through, steals the idols and the priest, and take over some nearby land.
The Israelites at this point are greedy and completely not God-centered. They've probably heard oral stories of what He's done, but they don't live for Him. They worship anything they can get their hands on.
Sometimes I fall victim to paying more attention to certain things than to God. I don't want to continue making that mistake.
God, please help me to focus on you and to always have you at the center of everything I do. Thank you.
Day 36 - March 9/09
Judges 16
Samson first sleeps with a prostitute, then falls in love with another Philistine woman. Delilah, influenced by money and the rulers of her people, begs Samson to tell her the secret of his strength. He lies to her many times, until he finally becomes "tired to death" (16:16). At this point, he reveals that the secret of his strength is in his hair, and Delilah uses it against him to subdue him. When Samson's hair is cut, the Spirit leaves him. When he dies, Samson receives strength one more time, bringing down the temple of the Philistines and killing thousands.
Of all the accounts of the judges, Samson's story seems to be the most messed up. Although he destroyed those who oppressed Israel, he was constantly falling prey to his weakness: foreign women.
We all have weaknesses, and I feel as if I am always falling to the same ones. God can still use me, but I think He'd prefer me obeying Him. It makes me wonder how much more Samson could have accomplished by obeying God rather than constantly seeking vengeance and loving those he was called not to.
God, give me the strength to not give into all the old patterns, but to be constantly following your way.
Samson first sleeps with a prostitute, then falls in love with another Philistine woman. Delilah, influenced by money and the rulers of her people, begs Samson to tell her the secret of his strength. He lies to her many times, until he finally becomes "tired to death" (16:16). At this point, he reveals that the secret of his strength is in his hair, and Delilah uses it against him to subdue him. When Samson's hair is cut, the Spirit leaves him. When he dies, Samson receives strength one more time, bringing down the temple of the Philistines and killing thousands.
Of all the accounts of the judges, Samson's story seems to be the most messed up. Although he destroyed those who oppressed Israel, he was constantly falling prey to his weakness: foreign women.
We all have weaknesses, and I feel as if I am always falling to the same ones. God can still use me, but I think He'd prefer me obeying Him. It makes me wonder how much more Samson could have accomplished by obeying God rather than constantly seeking vengeance and loving those he was called not to.
God, give me the strength to not give into all the old patterns, but to be constantly following your way.
Day 35 - March 8/09
Judges 13-15
Samson is born, raised, and always seems keen to get himself into trouble. In chapters 14 and 15, he marries a Philistine woman and is deceived by her at his wedding feast. In his anger against those who ask her to betray him, Samson kills thirty men and goes up to his father's house. When he returns for his wife, she has been given away to his friend as a wife. Samson deems himself righteously angry and goes on a killing spree.
Samson chose to do wrong over and over again, such as when he married a woman from the culture his people were enslaved to. He liked the way she looked and chose to base everything on that.
So often I am caught up in my own thoughts and how I feel, but I forget to get God's opinion. He probably knows better than I do what would be good for me.
God, help me to trust you and go with the feelings you give me, not my own selfish feelings. Give me strength when stuff sucks, and when things are beyond my control.
Samson is born, raised, and always seems keen to get himself into trouble. In chapters 14 and 15, he marries a Philistine woman and is deceived by her at his wedding feast. In his anger against those who ask her to betray him, Samson kills thirty men and goes up to his father's house. When he returns for his wife, she has been given away to his friend as a wife. Samson deems himself righteously angry and goes on a killing spree.
Samson chose to do wrong over and over again, such as when he married a woman from the culture his people were enslaved to. He liked the way she looked and chose to base everything on that.
So often I am caught up in my own thoughts and how I feel, but I forget to get God's opinion. He probably knows better than I do what would be good for me.
God, help me to trust you and go with the feelings you give me, not my own selfish feelings. Give me strength when stuff sucks, and when things are beyond my control.
Day 34 - March 6/09
Judges 12
Civil war breaks out in Israel, between those from Gilead and those from Ephraim. Ephraim is completely annihilated, and Gilead goes on its way. At this point, instead of having gaps between when the judges die and a new one takes over (which always left room for sin and turning from God), there were no gaps and a new judge was constantly ruling.
God was providing judges constantly so the people would always have someone to keep them accountable. He probably got tired of them turning away over and over again, only to have a judge rescue them out of darkness. This way, He kept them in the light.
God is constantly giving me challenges that are keeping me on my toes. Wave upon wave of highs and lows are causing me to constantly call on Him and give everything up to Him. I think He may be doing the same kind of thing: taking preventative action.
God, help me to always be calling on You and trusting in You, whether times are tough or easy, slow going or fast paced. Continue to shape me, through perseverance, into the woman after Your own heart that You have called me to be. Thank you for being with me today, it was HUGELY appreciated.
Civil war breaks out in Israel, between those from Gilead and those from Ephraim. Ephraim is completely annihilated, and Gilead goes on its way. At this point, instead of having gaps between when the judges die and a new one takes over (which always left room for sin and turning from God), there were no gaps and a new judge was constantly ruling.
God was providing judges constantly so the people would always have someone to keep them accountable. He probably got tired of them turning away over and over again, only to have a judge rescue them out of darkness. This way, He kept them in the light.
God is constantly giving me challenges that are keeping me on my toes. Wave upon wave of highs and lows are causing me to constantly call on Him and give everything up to Him. I think He may be doing the same kind of thing: taking preventative action.
God, help me to always be calling on You and trusting in You, whether times are tough or easy, slow going or fast paced. Continue to shape me, through perseverance, into the woman after Your own heart that You have called me to be. Thank you for being with me today, it was HUGELY appreciated.
Day 33 - March 4/09
Judges 11
"And Jephthah made a vow to the Lord: 'If you give the ammonites into my hands, whatever comes out of my house to meet me when I return in triumph from the Ammonites will be the Lord's, and I will sacrifice it as a burnt offering.'"
Jephthah made a rash vow before God, and it ended up costing him. For his foolishness, when he returned home he was greeted by his only child. She consented to what had to be done to her, was allowed two months in the wilderness to mourn her premature death, and was sacrificed.
I see two parts of this story that apply to me. First, I've tried to bargain with God in the past, or convince Him by promising to give up things without realizing what the consequences may be. I don't know what form that may take, and it should be enough to simply ask God for what it is I need. Second, I don't know if I could ever consent to death the way Jephthah's daughter did. Do I hold back from God, or does my life truly belong to Him?
God, please give me wisdom so that my words aren't rash. Help me to understand Your will and to give up to you everything I'm still holding onto, including my life.
"And Jephthah made a vow to the Lord: 'If you give the ammonites into my hands, whatever comes out of my house to meet me when I return in triumph from the Ammonites will be the Lord's, and I will sacrifice it as a burnt offering.'"
Jephthah made a rash vow before God, and it ended up costing him. For his foolishness, when he returned home he was greeted by his only child. She consented to what had to be done to her, was allowed two months in the wilderness to mourn her premature death, and was sacrificed.
I see two parts of this story that apply to me. First, I've tried to bargain with God in the past, or convince Him by promising to give up things without realizing what the consequences may be. I don't know what form that may take, and it should be enough to simply ask God for what it is I need. Second, I don't know if I could ever consent to death the way Jephthah's daughter did. Do I hold back from God, or does my life truly belong to Him?
God, please give me wisdom so that my words aren't rash. Help me to understand Your will and to give up to you everything I'm still holding onto, including my life.
Day 32 - March 3/09
Judges 10 (and back from California)
This chapter takes a slightly different twist on the previous cycle. The Israelites do evil and worship foreign gods, they are enslaved, and they cry out to God. Normally at this point, God would raise up a judge to deliver them; however, God says that He has always saved them and is tired of it. He tells them to cry out to the other gods they have chosen to worship and see what good they will do. Finally, the Israelites respond the right way and get rid of their foreign gods and only worship the Lord, crying out to Him in their pain. Because of this, He decides to deliver them.
Even though they are still suffering and God hasn't answered their prayers, the Israelites turn from their foreign gods. That takes faith and hope, trusting that God will come through for them if only they will obey Him.
God gives me chances time and time again, but at some point I think He may hit a point and tell me I'm too stubborn, and I should seek the "gods" I've been worshipping and go to them to make me whole. I need to practice giving up my sin even while I'm in the worst of things, trusting that He will deliver me.
God, please help me to trust you. I suck at giving up my sin until you come right up in my face and tell me to change my ways. I don't want to be that person anymore. Help me, please.
This chapter takes a slightly different twist on the previous cycle. The Israelites do evil and worship foreign gods, they are enslaved, and they cry out to God. Normally at this point, God would raise up a judge to deliver them; however, God says that He has always saved them and is tired of it. He tells them to cry out to the other gods they have chosen to worship and see what good they will do. Finally, the Israelites respond the right way and get rid of their foreign gods and only worship the Lord, crying out to Him in their pain. Because of this, He decides to deliver them.
Even though they are still suffering and God hasn't answered their prayers, the Israelites turn from their foreign gods. That takes faith and hope, trusting that God will come through for them if only they will obey Him.
God gives me chances time and time again, but at some point I think He may hit a point and tell me I'm too stubborn, and I should seek the "gods" I've been worshipping and go to them to make me whole. I need to practice giving up my sin even while I'm in the worst of things, trusting that He will deliver me.
God, please help me to trust you. I suck at giving up my sin until you come right up in my face and tell me to change my ways. I don't want to be that person anymore. Help me, please.
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