
Day 6 - January 20/09

Joshua 7

In the previous chapter, God had commanded Joshua that no one was to keep any of the spoils from Jericho. Unfortunately, a man named Achan brings some things back with him. When Israel loses a battle they should have easily won, Joshua is grieved and implores God as to why this happened. God reveals to Joshua that someone has brought disgrace on all of Israel through stealing from Jericho and they will not be able to conquer any more land until the offender has been removed from their society. By casting lots, Joshua is able to figure out that Achan was the one to take treasure from Jericho, and he is stoned to death and then burned along with all his family and everything he owns.

I can't pretend to understand why it was necessary to destroy Achan's family. Perhaps they were accomplices and knew of what he had done, but I still don't see how that decision is just. I've never understood parts of the Bible where one person is punished for another's transgressions.

In my life, I think I can best apply this passage to the parts of myself that I try to keep from God. I tell Him that I can take care of that part on my own, but really He wants me to leave it all to Him. I need to give Him the last 5% I'm holding back.

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