
Day 13 - January 29/09

Joshua 14

The land is being divided up, and Caleb comes to Joshua to ask for a piece of land. He is the Caleb who was one of the twelve sent to spy on the land before wandering in the desert. As a kept promise from God, he was the only one of that generation besides Joshua allowed to live and enter the land. So Joshua gave him the hill country he requested.

God remained faithful to Caleb because he was on God's side. He trusted God all those years in the desert, as well as the five years after entering the land. He put his trust completely in God and He honoured Caleb's commitment.

I get impatient waiting on God's promises for even a few weeks. The longest one I've been waiting on so far has been just over two years, and several times I've almost given up. It is beyond my comprehension waiting on God to come through on His promise for forty-five years. Maybe it's just that I'm still too young to understand that amount of time, or value it, but maybe that's what God is trying to teach me. Patience. Trust. The same themes over and over again. When will I finally get it through my head and my heart?

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