
Day 4 - January 18/09

Joshua 5

Now that Israel has crossed the Jordan, God asks that all the men be circumcised, as they weren't while in the wilderness. After they have recovered, they begin to eat off the fruit of the land and God stops providing manna. Now that He had brought them into a land of sustenance, He no longer sends food directly from heaven. When Joshua is on his way to Jericho, he comes across the path of an angel. This is when he asks if the angel is for them or against them, and the angel replies that he is neither, but is on God's side.

When I read this, it looks to me as if God doesn't pick sides. Even for His chosen people, He is not saying He is on their side. Instead, it is Joshua who must choose to be on God's side and go along with His plan; it is not the other way around. If I want God's blessing and provision in my life, I need to be on His side and choose to follow His plans. That is when I will see blessing. If I expect that I can just ask God for what I want and, because He loves me, I'll get it, then I have everything mixed around. God has not looked down from heaven and, seeing how awesome I am, decided to join my fan club, but has actually invited me to join His team. If I say yes to that call and live every moment for Him rather than myself, I wonder what kind of blessings He might have waiting.

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